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How can we help?

Workplace wellbeing made easy

For over 35 years, Benestar has been the leading wellbeing and employee assistance program provider in Australia and New Zealand.

In 2022, we joined forces with TELUS Health to deliver world-leading digital and in-person health and wellbeing services and empower individuals to live their healthiest lives.

How can we help?

If you are injured or in immediate danger, please call your local emergency services.

Learn more about our products and services

Request an EAP appointment (Australia only)

Prefer to speak with someone?

  • Australia:
    1300 360 364
  • New Zealand:
    0800 360 364
  • International:
    +61 2 8295 2292

Purchase and demo information

Woman on laptop

BeneHub will soon be retired as part of our transition to TELUS Health.
To continue accessing health and wellbeing resources, please create an account on TELUS Health One.

Create TELUS Health One account

Request an EAP appointment

Our Offerings

At Benestar, we are all about helping people when and where they need us with all aspects of their life - physical, mental, social and financial. After all, strong, happy and healthy people equate to a productive, engaged workforce.
Positive leadership, strong capability, social intelligence, and a culture of care optimise performance.
Helping individuals to be their best, these EAP services aim to increase accountability for personal wellbeing across your workforce.
We help teams to identify areas of concern within the workplace using flexible proactive early intervention strategies.
Our Incident Management services provide unrivalled support during times of crisis and uncertainty, minimising long term impact on individuals, reducing downtime, and helping people leaders to care for their teams.
A small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day
Quote_girl beach
Health is a state of body, wellness is a state of mind
Sometimes things end up different than I planned but a lot of times it’s better that way
Quotes and Testimonials 3
Take time to make your soul happy